[03/28/2009 22:19:06 -5] http://www.rubbermallet.org/software/dosircd.html [03/28/2009 22:19:08 -5] makes me [03/28/2009 22:19:08 -5] want [03/28/2009 22:19:09 -5] to 03[03/28/2009 22:19:09 -5] * nenolod (nenolod@Anope-e1267f31.dereferenced.org) was kicked by sigabrt.anope.org (Channel flood triggered (limit is 4 lines in 5 secs)) [03/28/2009 22:19:17 -5] <12@Amanda> lmao [03/28/2009 22:19:18 -5] get kicked for flooding? 01[03/28/2009 22:19:18 -5] <04@CyberBotX> Get kicked? 06[03/28/2009 22:19:18 -5] * Sudos lol'd [03/28/2009 22:19:19 -5] lol 02[03/28/2009 22:19:22 -5] * Quits: [dx] (deiks@the.best.coder.around.mrc) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[03/28/2009 22:19:25 -5] * Joins: nenolod (nenolod@Anope-e1267f31.dereferenced.org) [03/28/2009 22:19:29 -5] <12@Amanda> nenolod++ [03/28/2009 22:19:34 -5] makes you want to... [03/28/2009 22:19:39 -5] <12@Amanda> an hero [03/28/2009 22:19:55 -5] <12@Amanda> Also thats some nice lurkin nenolod [03/28/2009 22:19:59 -5] :o 03[03/28/2009 22:19:59 -5] * Joins: [dx] (deiks@the.best.coder.around.mrc) [03/28/2009 22:20:04 -5] wait [03/28/2009 22:20:05 -5] dosircd... [03/28/2009 22:20:08 -5] do i want to guess? [03/28/2009 22:20:15 -5] MS-DOS IRCD. [03/28/2009 22:20:18 -5] yep [03/28/2009 22:20:20 -5] lmfao [03/28/2009 22:20:23 -5] but [03/28/2009 22:20:26 -5] you are from that group? [03/28/2009 22:20:28 -5] it's a defunct project [03/28/2009 22:20:30 -5] HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA [03/28/2009 22:20:35 -5] I'm from the testing group [03/28/2009 22:20:39 -5] okay, i'm done. [03/28/2009 22:20:51 -5] the new project is called RockIRCd [03/28/2009 22:20:57 -5] they make TCP TSRs for dos you know [03/28/2009 22:21:10 -5] I figured it had to be something creative - moving from 'dosircd' to 'ROCKircd' [03/28/2009 22:21:15 -5] and it's semi-stable, there's some kinks that need to be fixed with oper commands [03/28/2009 22:21:17 -5] that sounds much more promising [03/28/2009 22:21:31 -5] lol a ircd named after me :P [03/28/2009 22:21:39 -5] yes, just a few bugs, you know, some tcp socket bugs, oper commands, but it's semi-stable [03/28/2009 22:21:40 -5] ;) [03/28/2009 22:21:51 -5] exactly [03/28/2009 22:21:58 -5] but socket bugs aren't really a problem though [03/28/2009 22:22:05 -5] Hawk: dos networking is lulzy [03/28/2009 22:22:15 -5] Hawk: they hijack an interrupt table entry [03/28/2009 22:22:16 -5] but currently we're trying to figure out why the new TCP stack it's built on won't allow past 15 connections in [03/28/2009 22:22:39 -5] i wrote an ircd in java once [03/28/2009 22:22:44 -5] and one in php, that was idiotic [03/28/2009 22:22:44 -5] <12@Amanda> ew [03/28/2009 22:22:50 -5] that was also with heinz :p [03/28/2009 22:23:23 -5] <12@Amanda> You know Snr Heinz? [03/28/2009 22:23:36 -5] i would never refer to him as that [03/28/2009 22:23:45 -5] heh [03/28/2009 22:23:51 -5] but knew* [03/28/2009 22:25:04 -5] pre-anope days [03/28/2009 22:25:33 -5] <12@Amanda> =] 02[03/28/2009 22:25:50 -5] * Quits: listerofsmegau (peter.amesbu@Anope-6360ba93.optusnet.com.au) (Ping timeout: 121 seconds) 03[03/28/2009 22:26:07 -5] * Joins: linuxlove (spc@Anope-0f011102.mgm.bellsouth.net) [03/28/2009 22:26:31 -5] we had a bit of a falling out though [03/28/2009 22:26:36 -5] <12@Amanda> ;-; [03/28/2009 22:26:39 -5] http://superdos.rubbermallet.org/rockircd [03/28/2009 22:26:42 -5] <12@Amanda> He doesnt come around here anymore [03/28/2009 22:26:50 -5] Sudos: i have to tell you [03/28/2009 22:26:52 -5] nobody actually cares 03[03/28/2009 22:27:03 -5] * Joins: stitch (zimmy@Anope-0be0f8a0.emhril.sbcglobal.net) [03/28/2009 22:27:09 -5] <12@Amanda> No stitch :( [03/28/2009 22:27:11 -5] I didn't expect anyone to [03/28/2009 22:27:16 -5] Amanda: I figured as much... I heard he disappeared off IRC or something [03/28/2009 22:27:17 -5] Amanda, yessss :( [03/28/2009 22:27:21 -5] <12@Amanda> :< [03/28/2009 22:27:35 -5] <12@Amanda> nenolod: stitch wants to raep you [03/28/2009 22:27:44 -5] stitch get outta here with your Microsoft-induced brain tunor [03/28/2009 22:27:49 -5] Amanda, he always wants to [03/28/2009 22:28:00 -5] <12@Amanda> ... [03/28/2009 22:28:03 -5] <12@Amanda> GAY [03/28/2009 22:28:06 -5] <12@Amanda> HE ADMITS IT [03/28/2009 22:28:13 -5] lol [03/28/2009 22:28:21 -5] so apparently introducing your dad to irc = mistake [03/28/2009 22:28:26 -5] Hawk: was that tesx? [03/28/2009 22:28:48 -5] was what [03/28/2009 22:28:57 -5] Hawk: your java ircd [03/28/2009 22:29:12 -5] no, i didn't release it [03/28/2009 22:29:18 -5] a Java-written IRCd. nice. [03/28/2009 22:29:19 -5] http://superdos.rubbermallet.org/rockircd/rockircd.bas is some seriously awesome code [03/28/2009 22:29:32 -5] <12@Amanda> Sarcasm? [03/28/2009 22:29:34 -5] it was a long ass time ago, and i only ever used it for one thing [03/28/2009 22:29:39 -5] nenolod, i got bored one day, and started implementing TS [03/28/2009 22:29:39 -5] nenolod: lol [03/28/2009 22:29:44 -5] nenolod, in rockircd [03/28/2009 22:29:50 -5] i'm serious [03/28/2009 22:29:55 -5] well [03/28/2009 22:29:57 -5] lol vim has colors for basic [03/28/2009 22:30:03 -5] IF modeval$ = "+b" THEN ; leeeeeet [03/28/2009 22:30:06 -5] err [03/28/2009 22:30:08 -5] ' leeeeeet [03/28/2009 22:30:10 -5] sorry [03/28/2009 22:30:13 -5] you can tell that to mike, he might be here in a bit [03/28/2009 22:30:20 -5] LOL [03/28/2009 22:30:22 -5] there's a ton of easter eggs in that code [03/28/2009 22:30:32 -5] what does that one do? 03[03/28/2009 22:30:38 -5] * Joins: king_crimson (king_crims@Anope-6941ab45.mo.charter.com) [03/28/2009 22:30:40 -5] i think it does: [03/28/2009 22:30:43 -5] see here he is [03/28/2009 22:30:45 -5] Sudos made me join here 03[03/28/2009 22:30:47 -5] * Joins: listerofsmeg (peter.amesbu@Anope-6360ba93.optusnet.com.au) [03/28/2009 22:30:53 -5] whats the deal now? [03/28/2009 22:30:56 -5] why have you summoned me 06[03/28/2009 22:31:01 -5] * Sudos lowers his head in shame [03/28/2009 22:31:08 -5] this isn't about penis again is it? [03/28/2009 22:31:13 -5] <12@Amanda> Yes [03/28/2009 22:31:14 -5] i'm sick of you and your damn penis [03/28/2009 22:31:16 -5] nenolod: it is pretty amazing [03/28/2009 22:31:17 -5] dammit [03/28/2009 22:31:17 -5] <12@Amanda> Its always about penis [03/28/2009 22:31:18 -5] ircd should have some sort of usenet/torrent support :P that would certainly bring back a lot of users on irc 01[03/28/2009 22:31:19 -5] <04@CyberBotX> You know, this really isn't the place to be talking about IRCds, you know, regardless of what kind of IRCd it is. 12[03/28/2009 22:31:33 -5] <12@Amanda> CyberBotX: boner kill :< [03/28/2009 22:31:48 -5] <12@Amanda> Take it to #meep I suppose 12[03/28/2009 22:31:50 -5] CyberBotX, since when is any channel ever ontopic [03/28/2009 22:31:51 -5] he built a qbasic socket library [03/28/2009 22:31:55 -5] anyway yeah rockircd is written in quickbasic and it works 12[03/28/2009 22:32:00 -5] CyberBotX is just jealous that he can't write such leet code [03/28/2009 22:32:03 -5] http://rubbermallet.org/rockircd.bas [03/28/2009 22:32:08 -5] or, any code worth using, for that matter. [03/28/2009 22:32:08 -5] ^ code [03/28/2009 22:32:14 -5] mike [03/28/2009 22:32:15 -5] mine all mine [03/28/2009 22:32:17 -5] what [03/28/2009 22:32:20 -5] I linked the code from my backup [03/28/2009 22:32:23 -5] ah ok 01[03/28/2009 22:32:28 -5] <04@CyberBotX> So because I don't work on anything you do, my code if worthless, nenolod? [03/28/2009 22:32:37 -5] it's especially not the place to talk about shityt ircds [03/28/2009 22:32:48 -5] shitty* 01[03/28/2009 22:32:49 -5] <04@CyberBotX> Anyways, move the IRCd talk to #meep or somewhere else, get it out of here. [03/28/2009 22:32:49 -5] cause i wasn't sure if that daxxdns junk injected code into the one there on your site 12[03/28/2009 22:33:17 -5] CyberBotX: no, your code is worthless because it is crap. and you know it's crap, that's why you behave the way you do. but, i don't have time to discuss this any further. [03/28/2009 22:33:17 -5] well i dont really know what this channel is about, i just know i was called here to say that rockircd works lol [03/28/2009 22:33:25 -5] OMG NO WAY [03/28/2009 22:33:26 -5] so i'll leave now [03/28/2009 22:33:27 -5] congrats! [03/28/2009 22:33:32 -5] who cut the ribbon? 03[03/28/2009 22:33:34 -5] * Parts: king_crimson (king_crims@Anope-6941ab45.mo.charter.com) [03/28/2009 22:33:37 -5] aw 02[03/28/2009 22:33:56 -5] * Quits: linuxlove (spc@Anope-0f011102.mgm.bellsouth.net) (Quit: heX-Chat) [03/28/2009 22:34:59 -5] nenolod: maybe I should write one in mindfuck [03/28/2009 22:35:05 -5] er brainfuck 03[03/28/2009 22:35:17 -5] * Botox sets mode: +b *!*nenolod@*.dereferenced.org 03[03/28/2009 22:35:18 -5] * nenolod (nenolod@Anope-e1267f31.dereferenced.org) was kicked by Botox (We're sick of your elitist crap, have a nice day.)