Name: RP-CB-10
Title: Experimental Clerical Bot
Player Information
Player: CyberBotX
Campaign: Reminiscence Policy Group
Created On: Nov 5, 2012
106 Points
Attributes: 25
Advantages: 235
Disadvantages: -175
Quirks: -2
Skills: 23
Spells: 0
Race: 0
Earned: 0
Race: Robot Height: 5' 7" Hair: None
Gender: N/A (Looks Male) Weight: 300 lb Eyes: Robotic
Age: 1 Size: +0 Skin: Robotic
Birthday: TBD TL: 9 Hand: Right
Strength (ST): 10
Dexterity (DX): 10
Intelligence (IQ): 15
Health (HT): 8
Will: 4
Fright Check: 6
Basic Speed: 4.5
Basic Move: 4
Perception: 15
Vision: 15
Hearing: 15
Taste & Smell: 15
Touch: 15
thr: 1d-2, sw: 1d
Encumbrance, Move & Dodge
Level Max Load Move Dodge
• None (0) 20 lb 4 8
Light (1) 40 lb 3 7
Medium (2) 60 lb 2 6
Heavy (3) 120 lb 1 5
X-Heavy (4) 200 lb 1 4
Hit Location
Roll Where - DR
- Eye -9 3
3-4 Skull -7 5
5 Face -5 3
6-7 R. Leg -2 3
8 R. Arm -2 3
9-10 Torso 0 3
11 Groin -3 3
12 L. Arm -2 3
13-14 L. Leg -2 3
15 Hand -4 3
16 Foot -4 3
17-18 Neck -5 3
- Vitals -3 3
Fatigue/Hit Points
Current FP: N/A
Basic FP: 0
Tired: 0
Collapse: 0
Unconscious: 0
Current HP: 10
Basic HP: 10
Reeling: 3
Collapse: 0
Check #1: -10
Check #2: -20
Check #3: -30
Check #4: -40
Dead: -50
Lifting & Moving Things
Basic Lift: 20 lb
One-Handed Lift: 40 lb
Two-Handed Lift: 160 lb
Shove & Knock Over: 240 lb
Running Shove & Knock Over: 480 lb
Carry On Back: 300 lb
Shift Slightly: 1,000 lb
Advantages & Disadvantages Pts Ref
Advantages 234
Absolute Direction
Requires signal, -20%; Preparation Required (1 minute to gain signal), -20%.
3 B34
Ambidexterity 5 B39
Combat Reflexes
(NOTE: This was included with Enhanced Time Sense) - Never freeze; +6 on all IQ rolls to wake up or to recover from surprise or mental stun; Your side gets +1 to initiative rolls (+2 if you're the leader)
0 B43
Damage Resistance 3
Can't wear armor, -40%.
9 B47
Enhanced Time Sense 45 B52
Hyperspectral Vision 25 B60
Language: English
Native, +0; Written (Native), +0.
0 B24
Meta-Trait: Artificial Intelligence 42 B263
Absolute Timing 2 B35
Digital Mind 5 B49
Doesn't Sleep 20 B50
Eidetic Memory
Photographic, +5.
10 B51
Lightning Calculator
Intuitive Mathematician, +3.
5 B66
Meta-Trait: Machine 25 B263
Eight-hour energy reserve, Refuel 3 times per day 0 B263
Injury Tolerance (No Blood) 5 B61
Injury Tolerance (Unliving) 20 B61
No fatigue points, Don't spend fatigue points 0 B263
Immunity to Metabolic Hazards, +30.
30 B81
Unhealing (Total) -30 B160
Wears out instead of aging 0 B263
Microscopic Vision 1 5 B68
Modular Abilities (Computer Brain) 5
Limited Use (May only use skill/advantage once in a 24-hour period, is then forgotten), -40%.
16 B71
Penetrating Vision 1
Reduced Range (1/2 Range), -10%.
Normally 6 inches per level
9 B74
Protected Sense (Hearing) 5 B78
Protected Sense (Vision) 5 B78
Rank 1
Administrative Rank: Experimental Clerical Bot
0 B29
Scanning Sense
Radar, +20.
20 B81
Sealed 15 B82
Radio, +10; Receive Only, -50%.
5 B91
Disadvantages -175
Cannot Learn -30 B125
Disturbing Voice -10 B132
Electrical -20 B134
Low Empathy -20 B142
People Required: 2, -20; Frequency: Daily, x1.
Requires Electronics Repair and Mechanic
-20 B143
No Sense of Humor
-2 Reaction
-10 B146
No Sense of Smell/Taste -5 B146
Numb -20 B146
Pacifism: Cannot Harm Innocents -10 B148
Sense of Duty
RPG, -5.
-5 B153
Stubbornness -5 B157
CR: 6 (Rarely).
-10 B159
Struggling (Starting wealth is 1/2 average), -10.
-10 B25
Perks/Quirks -1
Cannot Float -1 B165
Nosy -1 B164
Penetrating Voice 1 B101
Skills SL RSL Pts Ref
Beam Weapons/TL9 (Pistol) 10 DX+0 1 B179
Body Sense 7 DX-3 0 B181
Computer Hacking/TL9 14 IQ-1 4 B184
Computer Operation/TL9 17 IQ+2 4 B184
Computer Programming/TL9 15 IQ+0 4 B184
Fast-Draw (Pistol) 11 DX+1 1 B194
Fast-Talk 7 IQ-8 0 B195
Mathematics/TL9 (Computer Science) 14 IQ-1 2 B207
Navigation/TL9 (Air) 17 IQ+2 1 B211
Navigation/TL9 (Land) 17 IQ+2 1 B211
Navigation/TL9 (Sea) 17 IQ+2 1 B211
Research/TL9 15 IQ+0 2 B217
Speed-Reading 15 IQ+0 2 B222
Spells Class Mana Cost Time SL RSL Pts Ref
Melee Weapons Usage Lvl Parry Block Damage Reach ST
Natural Kick 8 No 1d-2 cr C,1
Natural Kick w/Boots 8 No 1d-1 cr C,1
Natural Punch 10 9 1d-3 cr C
Ranged Weapons Usage Lvl Acc Damage Range RoF Shots Bulk Rcl ST
Electrolaser Pistol 10 4 1d-3 burn 40/80 3 180(3) -2 1 4
Equipment (2.2 lb; $1,800) # $ W ∑ $ ∑ W Ref
Electrolaser Pistol E 1 1,800 2.2 lb 1,800 2.2 lb B280
* $15000 Starting Money

RP-CB-10 (short for Reminiscence Policy - Clerical Bot - Revision 10), also referred to as Cob-Ten.

Looks like a HUcast from PSO, colored in RPG's color scheme of red/white/black. See
http://kirby.cyberbotx.com/RP-CB-10.avi for appearance.

RP-CB-10 is the 10th revision of an experimental clerical robot made by the Reminiscence Policy Group.
Although his primary purpose is to help with the administration around RPG, he has been given minor combat
abilities, mostly for self-defense. While robots do not technically have genders, Cob-Ten is usually referred to
as a male, due to appearance and voice. His voice has harsh robotic undertones to it.

Cob-Ten is an investigation assistant bot, one of many. Previous revisions include Cob-One (a filing cabinet
bot), Cob-Two (a counter attendant bot), and Cob-Nine (a clue-collecting bot). There are rumors of a new
Cob-Eleven revision as well, which has been given better fighting skill.

Cob-Ten has been given skills to help in investigations. However, he is unable to learn new skills other than
what he was programmed with. He is able to download new abilities but this feature is very limited. He also
requires daily maintenance. He was not programmed to be able to process humor, although he shows other
emotions to a limited degree. Although he does not require sleep, he is able to eat and drink like other
people (although he cannot taste or smell), and still needs to breathe as a way to help cool his systems. He
has a hard time divulging from the telling the truth. He is a tad nosy to others.