Name: RP-CB-10
Title: Experimental Clerical Bot
Player Information
Player: CyberBotX
Campaign: Reminiscence Policy Group
Created On: Jun 25, 2013
200 Points
Attributes: 25
Advantages: 329
Disadvantages: -200
Quirks: -2
Skills: 48
Spells: 0
Race: 0
Earned: 0
Race: Robot Height: 5' 7" Hair: None
Gender: N/A (Looks Male) Weight: 300 lb Eyes: Robotic
Age: 1 Size: +0 Skin: Robotic
Birthday: TBD TL: 9 Hand: Right
Strength (ST): 10
Dexterity (DX): 10
Intelligence (IQ): 15
Health (HT): 8
Will: 4
Fright Check: 6
Basic Speed: 4.5
Basic Move: 4
Perception: 15
Vision: 17
Hearing: 17
Taste & Smell: 15
Touch: 15
thr: 1d-2, sw: 1d
Encumbrance, Move & Dodge
Level Max Load Move Dodge
• None (0) 20 lb 4 8
Light (1) 40 lb 3 7
Medium (2) 60 lb 2 6
Heavy (3) 120 lb 1 5
X-Heavy (4) 200 lb 1 4
Hit Location
Roll Where - DR
- Eye -9 3
3-4 Skull -7 5
5 Face -5 3
6-7 R. Leg -2 3
8 R. Arm -2 3
9-10 Torso 0 3
11 Groin -3 3
12 L. Arm -2 3
13-14 L. Leg -2 3
15 Hand -4 3
16 Foot -4 3
17-18 Neck -5 3
- Vitals -3 3
Fatigue/Hit Points
Current FP: N/A
Basic FP: 0
Tired: 0
Collapse: 0
Unconscious: 0
Current HP: 10
Basic HP: 10
Reeling: 3
Collapse: 0
Check #1: -10
Check #2: -20
Check #3: -30
Check #4: -40
Dead: -50
Lifting & Moving Things
Basic Lift: 20 lb
One-Handed Lift: 40 lb
Two-Handed Lift: 160 lb
Shove & Knock Over: 240 lb
Running Shove & Knock Over: 480 lb
Carry On Back: 300 lb
Shift Slightly: 1,000 lb
Advantages & Disadvantages Pts Ref
Advantages 327
Absolute Direction
Requires signal, -20%.
4 B34
Acute Hearing 2 4 B35
Acute Vision 2 4 B35
Ambidexterity 5 B39
Combat Reflexes
(NOTE: This was included with Enchanced Time Sense) - Never freeze; +6 on all IQ rolls to wake up or to recover from surprise or mental stun; Your side gets +1 to initiative rolls (+2 if you're the leader)
0 B43
Contact (RPG)
Effective skill (15), +2; Group, x5; Appears quite often (12-), x2; Somewhat reliable, x1.
20 B44
Damage Resistance 3
Can't wear armor, -40%.
9 B47
Discriminitory Hearing
Profiling, +50%.
23 B49
Doesn't Eat or Drink 10 B50
Enhanced Time Sense 45 B52
Fearlessness 5 10 B55
Filter Lungs 5 B55
Hyperspectral Vision 25 B60
Language: English
Native, -6; Spoken (Native), +3; Written (Native), +3.
0 B24
Legal Enforcement Powers
RPG, +5.
5 B65
Meta-Trait: Artificial Intelligence 42 B263
Absolute Timing 2 B35
Digital Mind 5 B49
Doesn't Sleep 20 B50
Eidetic Memory
Photographic, +5.
10 B51
Lightning Calculator
Intuitive Mathematician, +3.
5 B66
Meta-Trait: Machine 25 B263
Eight-hour energy reserve, Refuel 3 times per day 0 B263
Injury Tolerance (No Blood) 5 B61
Injury Tolerance (Unliving) 20 B61
No fatigue points, Don't spend fatigue points 0 B263
Immunity to Metabolic Hazards, +30.
30 B81
Unhealing (Total) -30 B160
Wears out instead of aging 0 B263
Microscopic Vision 1 5 B68
Modular Abilities (Computer Brain) 5
Limited Use (May only use skill/advantage once in a 24-hour period, is then forgotten), -40%.
16 B71
Parabolic Hearing 1 4 B72
Penetrating Vision 1
Reduced Range (1/2 Range), -10%.
Normally 6 inches per level
9 B74
Protected Sense (Hearing) 5 B78
Protected Sense (Vision) 5 B78
Rank 1
Administrative Rank: Experimental Clerical Bot
0 B29
Scanning Sense
Radar, +20.
20 B81
Sealed 15 B82
Radio, +10; Secure, +20%.
12 B91
Disadvantages -200
Cannot Learn -30 B125
Code of Honor (Professional) -5 B127
Disturbing Voice -10 B132
Electrical -20 B134
CR: 6 (Rarely).
-20 B138
Low Empathy -20 B142
People Required: 2, -20; Frequency: Daily, x1.
Requires Electronics Repair and Mechanic
-20 B143
No Sense of Humor
-2 Reaction
-10 B146
No Sense of Smell/Taste -5 B146
Numb -20 B146
Pacifism: Cannot Harm Innocents -10 B148
Sense of Duty
RPG, -5.
-5 B153
Stubbornness -5 B157
CR: 6 (Rarely).
-10 B159
Struggling (Starting wealth is 1/2 average), -10.
-10 B25
Perks/Quirks 0
Cannot Float -1 B165
Accessory (Computer) 1 B100
Nosy -1 B164
Penetrating Voice 1 B101
Skills SL RSL Pts Ref
Acting 7 IQ-8 0 B174
Administration 15 IQ+0 2 B174
Area Knowledge (<TBD>) 17 IQ+2 4 B176
Beam Weapons/TL9 (Pistol) 10 DX+0 1 B179
Body Sense 7 DX-3 0 B181
Brawling 10 DX+0 1 B182
Carousing 1 HT-7 0 B183
Cartography/TL9 15 IQ+0 2 B183
Computer Operation/TL9 17 IQ+2 4 B184
Computer Programming/TL9 15 IQ+0 4 B184
Criminology/TL9 7 IQ-8 0 B186
Climbing 9 DX-1 1 B183
Cryptography/TL9 14 IQ-1 2 B186
Detect Lies 6 Per-9 0 B187
Diplomacy 6 IQ-9 0 B187
Driving/TL9 (Automobile) 10 DX+0 1 B188
Electronics Operation/TL9 (Sensors) 15 IQ+0 2 B189
Electronics Operation/TL9 (Surveillance) 15 IQ+0 2 B189
Fast-Draw (Pistol) 13 DX+3 2 B194
Fast-Draw/TL9 (Ammo) 12 DX+2 1 B194
Fast-Talk 7 IQ-8 0 B195
First Aid/TL9 15 IQ+0 1 B195
Gesture 15 IQ+0 1 B198
Hiking 7 HT-1 1 B200
Intelligence Analysis/TL9 13 IQ-2 1 B201
Interrogation 11 IQ-4 1 B202
Leadership 7 IQ-8 0 B204
Mathematics/TL9 (Computer Science) 14 IQ-1 2 B207
Merchant 7 IQ-8 0 B209
Navigation/TL9 (Air) 17 IQ+2 1 B211
Navigation/TL9 (Land) 17 IQ+2 1 B211
Navigation/TL9 (Sea) 17 IQ+2 1 B211
Politics 7 IQ-8 0 B215
Psychology 6 IQ-9 0 B216
Research/TL9 15 IQ+0 2 B217
Savoir-Faire (Any) 8 IQ-7 0 B218
Search 15 Per+0 2 B219
Sex Appeal 2 HT-6 0 B219
Sociology 6 IQ-9 0 B221
Speed-Reading 15 IQ+0 2 B222
Stealth 10 DX+0 1 B222
Streetwise 11 IQ-4 1 B223
Typing 10 DX+0 1 B228
Spells Class Mana Cost Time SL RSL Pts Ref
Melee Weapons Usage Lvl Parry Block Damage Reach ST
Natural Kick 8 No 1d-2 cr C,1
Natural Kick w/Boots 8 No 1d-1 cr C,1
Natural Punch 10 9 1d-3 cr C
Ranged Weapons Usage Lvl Acc Damage Range RoF Shots Bulk Rcl ST
Equipment (0 lb; $0) # $ W ∑ $ ∑ W Ref