Name: CyberBotX (Lucid)
Player Information
Player: Sir Quinn Tennenbaum X
Campaign: An Exercise in Lucidity (Reboot)
Created On: Mar 21, 2014
100 Points
Attributes: 30
Advantages: 162
Disadvantages: -154
Quirks: -2
Skills: 47
Spells: 0
Race: 0
Earned: 17
Race: Human Height: 5' 9" Hair: Silver, Short
Gender: Male Weight: 0 lb Eyes: Blue
Age: 16 Size: +0 Skin: Tan
Birthday: TL: 8 Hand: Right
Strength (ST): 9
Dexterity (DX): 10
Intelligence (IQ): 12
Health (HT): 10
Will: 12
Fright Check: 12
Basic Speed: 5
Basic Move: 5
Perception: 12
Vision: 12
Hearing: 13
Taste & Smell: 12
Touch: 12
thr: 1d-2, sw: 1d
Encumbrance, Move & Dodge
Level Max Load Move Dodge
• None (0) 16 lb 5 8
Light (1) 32 lb 4 7
Medium (2) 48 lb 3 6
Heavy (3) 96 lb 2 5
X-Heavy (4) 160 lb 1 4
Hit Location
Roll Where - DR
- Eye -9 0
3-4 Skull -7 2
5 Face -5 0
6-7 R. Leg -2 0
8 R. Arm -2 0
9-10 Torso 0 0
11 Groin -3 0
12 L. Arm -2 0
13-14 L. Leg -2 0
15 Hand -4 0
16 Foot -4 0
17-18 Neck -5 0
- Vitals -3 0
Fatigue/Hit Points
Current FP:
Basic FP: 10
Tired: 3
Collapse: 0
Unconscious: -10
Current HP:
Basic HP: 9
Reeling: 2
Collapse: 0
Check #1: -9
Check #2: -18
Check #3: -27
Check #4: -36
Dead: -45
Lifting & Moving Things
Basic Lift: 16 lb
One-Handed Lift: 32 lb
Two-Handed Lift: 128 lb
Shove & Knock Over: 192 lb
Running Shove & Knock Over: 384 lb
Carry On Back: 240 lb
Shift Slightly: 800 lb
Advantages & Disadvantages Pts Ref
Advantages 161
Absolute Direction 5 B34
Absolute Timing 2 B35
Acute Hearing 1 2 B35
Ambidexterity 5 B39
Arm ST 1 5 B40
This covers: Acute Hearing, Arm ST, Flight, Modular Abilities, Protected Sense, Scanning Sense, and Striking ST
0 B46
Eidetic Memory 5 B51
Planetary, -5%.
38 B56
Gadgeteer 25 B57
High Manual Dexterity 1 5 B59
Language Talent 10 B65
Language: Common
Native, -4; Spoken (Native), +2; Written (Native), +2.
With Language Talent
0 B24
Lightning Calculator 2 B66
Modular Abilities (Chip Slots) 2 11 B71
Night Vision 1 1 B71
Protected Sense (Vision) 5 B78
Scanning Sense
Radar, +20.
20 B81
Striking ST 1 5 B88
Talent (Mathematical Ability) 1 10 B90
Versatile 5 B96
Disadvantages -154
Acrophobia (Heights)
CR: 12 (Quite Often).
-10 B150
Bad Sight (Nearsighted)
Mitigator (Glasses), -60%.
-6 to Vision rolls to spot items more than 1 yd away; -2 to all melee attacks; double actual distance to the target when calculating the range modifier for ranged attacks
-10 B123
Clueless -10 B126
Code of Honor (Gentleman's) -10 B127
Combat Paralysis -15 B127
CR: 12 (Quite Often), -2 Fright Check Penalty.
-10 B129
Easy to Read -10 B134
Fearfulness 2 -4 B136
CR: 12 (Quite Often).
-10 B139
CR: 12 (Quite Often).
-5 B140
CR: 12 (Quite Often), -2 Reaction Penalty.
-5 B142
Pacifism: Self-Defense Only -15 B148
Low Empathy -20 B142
CR: 12 (Quite Often).
-5 B153
Severe, -10.
-10 B154
Stubbornness -5 B157
Perks/Quirks -1
Attentive -1 B163
Nervous Stomach -1 B165
Penetrating Voice 1 B101
Skills SL RSL Pts Ref
Astronomy (Observational)/TL8 11 IQ-1 1 B179
Cryptography/TL8 11 IQ-1 1 B186
Engineer/TL8 (Clockwork) 11 IQ-1 1 B190
Engineer/TL8 (Electronics) 11 IQ-1 1 B190
Engineer/TL8 (Microtechnology) 11 IQ-1 1 B190
Engineer/TL8 (Robotics) 11 IQ-1 1 B190
Mathematics/TL8 (Applied) 11 IQ-1 1 B207
Mathematics/TL8 (Computer Science) 11 IQ-1 1 B207
Mathematics/TL8 (Cryptology) 11 IQ-1 1 B207
Mathematics/TL8 (Pure) 11 IQ-1 1 B207
Aerobatics 8 DX-2 1 B174
Beam Weapons/TL8 (Pistol) 10 DX+0 1 B179
Biology/TL8 (Microbiology) 9 IQ-3 1 B180
Climbing 9 DX-1 1 B183
Chemistry/TL8 10 IQ-2 1 B183
Computer Operation/TL8 12 IQ+0 1 B184
Computer Programming/TL8 10 IQ-2 1 B184
Computer Programming/TL8 (AI) 10 IQ-2 1 B184
Driving/TL8 (Automobile) 9 DX-1 1 B188
Electrician/TL8 11 IQ-1 1 B189
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Communications) 11 IQ-1 1 B189
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Media) 11 IQ-1 1 B189
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Sensors) 11 IQ-1 1 B189
Electronics Repair/TL8 (Communications) 11 IQ-1 1 B190
Electronics Repair/TL8 (Computer) 11 IQ-1 1 B190
Electronics Repair/TL8 (Media) 11 IQ-1 1 B190
Electronics Repair/TL8 (Sensors) 11 IQ-1 1 B190
Fast-Talk 7 IQ-5 1 B195
First Aid/TL8 12 IQ+0 1 B195
Gesture 12 IQ+0 1 B198
Hiking 9 HT-1 1 B200
Linguistics 10 IQ-2 1 B205
Literature 10 IQ-2 1 B205
Machinist/TL8 12 IQ+0 1 B206
Mechanic/TL8 (Automobile) 12 IQ+0 1 B207
Mechanic/TL8 (Clockwork) 12 IQ+0 1 B107
Mechanic/TL8 (Micromachines) 12 IQ+0 1 B207
Mechanic/TL8 (Robotics) 12 IQ+0 1 B207
Metallurgy/TL8 10 IQ-2 1 B209
Navigation/TL8 (Land) 14 IQ+2 1 B211
Observation 11 Per-1 1 B211
Research/TL8 11 IQ-1 1 B217
Savoir-Faire (High Society) 4 IQ-8 1 B218
Scrounging 12 Per+0 1 B218
Speed-Reading 11 IQ-1 1 B222
Stealth 9 DX-1 1 B222
Typing 10 DX+0 1 B228
Spells Class Mana Cost Time SL RSL Pts Ref
Melee Weapons Usage Lvl Parry Block Damage Reach ST
Natural Kick 8 No 1d-2 cr C,1
Natural Kick w/Boots 8 No 1d-1 cr C,1
Natural Punch 10 8 1d-3 cr C
Ranged Weapons Usage Lvl Acc Damage Range RoF Shots Bulk Rcl ST
Equipment (0 lb; $0) # $ W ∑ $ ∑ W Ref
CyberBotX is the dream avatar of Casper Xenos. Casper never remembers his dreams (despite his eidetic
memory), but he is highly lucid in them.

Casper is a high school student. He is somewhat tall, has short brown hair, and blue eyes. He is a loner,
preferring not to associate with others unless they are his friends (of which he doesn't really have many of, if
any). His father became rich from computer designs for automobiles, and while he knows how to act in high
society, he doesn't care for it much. He feels more at home around technology than around people.

Casper's family consists of: his father Cullen (an automobile computer engineer) and his mother Cecilia (a
doctor). Casper has no siblings.

CyberBotX is what Casper feels he would be like if he was somewhat of a robot. He isn't a robot, but rather
just Casper in a suit of armor with some cybernetics. Besides that, the only physical difference is having
silver hair instead of brown hair. Because this is just an extension of how Casper sees himself, he is very
lucid in his dreams, knowing it isn't real but at the same time not caring that it isn't real. Most of the
disadvantages above come from Casper himself, things he just couldn't shake off of his dream avatar.
(Which turns out to be quite a lot.)