Name: Casper Bart Xenos
Player Information
Player: CyberBotX
Created On: Dec 16, 2012
0 Points
Attributes: 146
Advantages: 183
Disadvantages: -90
Quirks: -2
Skills: 460
Spells: 0
Race: 0
Earned: -697
Race: Human Height: 5' 9" Hair: Silver, Short
Gender: Male Weight: 142 lb Eyes: Blue
Age: 30 Size: +0 Skin: Fair
Birthday: June 29 TL: 8 Hand: Right
Strength (ST): 10
Dexterity (DX): 12
Intelligence (IQ): 15
Health (HT): 10
Will: 15
Fright Check: 15
Basic Speed: 5.5
Basic Move: 5
Perception: 15
Vision: 15
Hearing: 15
Taste & Smell: 15
Touch: 15
thr: 1d-2, sw: 1d
Encumbrance, Move & Dodge
Level Max Load Move Dodge
• None (0) 20 lb 5 8
Light (1) 40 lb 4 7
Medium (2) 60 lb 3 6
Heavy (3) 120 lb 2 5
X-Heavy (4) 200 lb 1 4
Hit Location
Roll Where - DR
- Eye -9 0
3-4 Skull -7 2
5 Face -5 0
6-7 R. Leg -2 0
8 R. Arm -2 0
9-10 Torso 0 0
11 Groin -3 0
12 L. Arm -2 0
13-14 L. Leg -2 0
15 Hand -4 0
16 Foot -4 0
17-18 Neck -5 0
- Vitals -3 0
Fatigue/Hit Points
Current FP:
Basic FP: 10
Tired: 3
Collapse: 0
Unconscious: -10
Current HP:
Basic HP: 13
Reeling: 4
Collapse: 0
Check #1: -13
Check #2: -26
Check #3: -39
Check #4: -52
Dead: -65
Lifting & Moving Things
Basic Lift: 20 lb
One-Handed Lift: 40 lb
Two-Handed Lift: 160 lb
Shove & Knock Over: 240 lb
Running Shove & Knock Over: 480 lb
Carry On Back: 300 lb
Shift Slightly: 1,000 lb
Advantages & Disadvantages Pts Ref
Advantages 183
Absolute Direction
3D Spatial Sense, +5.
10 B34
Absolute Timing 2 B35
Charisma 1
+1/level to Influence rolls
5 B41
Eidetic Memory
Photographic, +5.
10 B51
Extended Lifespan 2 4 B53
Quick, +25.
50 B57
Gizmo 3 15 B57
Gunslinger 25 B58
High Manual Dexterity 1 5 B59
Language Talent 10 B65
Language: Common
Spoken (Native), +0; Written (Native), +0.
0 B24
Language: Mooglese
Spoken (Native), +2; Written (Native), +2.
With Language Talent
4 B24
Language: Technobabble
Spoken (Native), +2; Written (Native), +2.
With Language Talent
4 B24
Lightning Calculator 2 B66
Longevity 2 B66
Perfect Balance 15 B74
Reputation 2
People Affected (Almost everyone), x1; Recognized all the time, x1.
For stopping Ardolia and for being Guildmaster of the Crim Adventurer's Guild
10 B26
Single-Minded 5 B85
Versatile 5 B96
Disadvantages -90
Absent-Mindedness -15 B122
Acrophobia (Heights)
CR: 6 (Rarely).
-20 B150
Bad Sight (Farsighted)
Mitigator (Glasses), -60%.
-6 to Vision rolls to spot items within 1 yd; -3 DX to any close manual task, including close combat
-10 B123
Insomniac (Mild)
GM secretly rolls 3d for the number of days between episodes
-10 B140
CR: 6 (Rarely).
-10 B148
CR: 12 (Quite Often).
-5 B153
Sense of Duty
Crim, -10.
-10 B153
CR: 12 (Quite Often).
-5 B154
Workaholic -5 B162
Perks/Quirks -2
Careful -1 B163
Nosy -1 B164
Skills SL RSL Pts Ref
Administration 15 IQ+0 2 B174
Airshipman/TL8 18 IQ+3 8 B185
Area Knowledge (Crim) 18 IQ+3 8 B176
Beam Weapons/TL8 (Pistol) 14 DX+2 4 B179
Carpentry 19 IQ+4 12 B183
Cartography/TL8 19 IQ+4 12 B183
Computer Operation/TL8 20 IQ+5 16 B184
Computer Programming/TL8 18 IQ+3 16 B184
Computer Programming/TL8 (AI) 18 IQ+3 16 B184
Cryptography/TL8 16 IQ+1 8 B186
Diplomacy 14 IQ-1 2 B187
Driving/TL8 (Hovercraft) 16 DX+4 16 B188
Electrician/TL8 18 IQ+3 12 B189
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Communications) 17 IQ+2 8 B189
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Security) 16 IQ+1 4 B189
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Sensors) 17 IQ+2 8 B189
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Surveillance) 15 IQ+0 2 B189
Electronics Repair/TL8 (Communications) 18 IQ+3 8 B190
Electronics Repair/TL8 (Computer) 20 IQ+5 12 B190
Electronics Repair/TL8 (Security) 17 IQ+2 4 B190
Electronics Repair/TL8 (Sensors) 18 IQ+3 8 B190
Electronics Repair/TL8 (Surveillance) 16 IQ+1 2 B190
Engineer/TL8 (Electrical) 16 IQ+1 8 B190
Engineer/TL8 (Electronics) 16 IQ+1 8 B190
Engineer/TL8 (Robotics) 16 IQ+1 8 B190
Engineer/TL8 (Ships) 16 IQ+1 8 B190
Engineer/TL8 (Small Arms) 16 IQ+1 8 B190
Expert Skill (Computer Security) 17 IQ+2 12 B193
Fast-Draw (Pistol) 15 DX+3 8 B194
Fast-Draw/TL8 (Ammo) 14 DX+2 4 B194
Fast-Talk 15 IQ+0 2 B195
First Aid/TL8 15 IQ+0 1 B195
Freight Handling/TL8 16 IQ+1 4 B197
Gunner/TL8 (Beams) 14 DX+2 4 B198
Gunner/TL8 (Cannon) 14 DX+2 4 B198
Guns/TL8 (Pistol) 15 DX+3 8 B198
Intelligence Analysis/TL8 14 IQ-1 2 B201
Leadership 18 IQ+3 8 B204
Linguistics 15 IQ+0 4 B205
Machinist/TL8 19 IQ+4 12 B206
Mathematics/TL8 (Applied) 17 IQ+2 12 B207
Mathematics/TL8 (Computer Science) 17 IQ+2 12 B207
Mathematics/TL8 (Cryptology) 16 IQ+1 8 B207
Mathematics/TL8 (Statistics) 15 IQ+0 4 B207
Mechanic/TL8 (Airship) 19 IQ+4 12 B207
Mechanic/TL8 (Fuel Cell) 18 IQ+3 8 B207
Mechanic/TL8 (Hovercraft) 19 IQ+4 12 B207
Mechanic/TL8 (Robotics) 19 IQ+4 12 B207
Mechanic/TL8 (Steam Engine) 19 IQ+4 12 B207
Metallurgy/TL8 15 IQ+0 4 B209
Navigation/TL8 (Air) 20 IQ+5 8 B211
Navigation/TL8 (Land) 20 IQ+5 8 B211
Piloting/TL8 (Airship) 17 DX+5 12 B214
Public Speaking 15 IQ+0 1 B216
Research/TL8 17 IQ+2 8 B217
Shiphandling/TL8 (Airship) 17 IQ+2 12 B220
Speed-Reading 16 IQ+1 4 B222
Traps/TL8 15 IQ+0 2 B226
Typing 15 DX+3 8 B228
Spells Class Mana Cost Time SL RSL Pts Ref
Melee Weapons Usage Lvl Parry Block Damage Reach ST
Natural Kick 10 No 1d-2 cr C,1
Natural Kick w/Boots 10 No 1d-1 cr C,1
Natural Punch 12 9 1d-3 cr C
Ranged Weapons Usage Lvl Acc Damage Range RoF Shots Bulk Rcl ST
Equipment (0 lb; $0) # $ W ∑ $ ∑ W Ref